Tasty Treats Anthology: Volume One Read online

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  "No." Rachel smiled at Killian, sensing his weakness. She might not be Venus, but he was obviously horny. Horny and stupid. "But I don't want to go to your place. If I'm going to do this, I want to do it in the comfort of my own home."

  He appeared to consider that for a moment. "Okay, but we're going to have to pick up some things from our house."

  "And I want my car out of the ditch."

  "We'll get it tomorrow."

  "No. Tonight." Rachel insisted. "I don't want to wake up tomorrow and be dependent on you. I'm sure you don't want to wake up tomorrow and be stuck with me."

  "Fine. We'll get it out now."

  "How?" Adam asked. "My truck could probably tow it out, but its five miles back to the lodge. You going to sit here with her while I go get it?"

  "And waste time on that? It's a little compact. We could lift it out and drive it back to the truck."

  "I can't lift it on my own. Neither can you."


  "So if we're both lifting who is going to be driving?"

  They both looked at her. Rachel fought to keep her expression bland. She sensed freedom looming on the horizon, but knew any false move could scare it out of reach.


  "You can't put her in the driver's seat," Adam snapped. "We're blackmailing her for sex for Christ's sake, Killian."

  "We're not blackmailing her."

  He needs a dictionary.

  "She wants to have sex with us, don't you, sweetheart?"

  Oh, hell yeah. Dirty, sweaty, all-night long sex with both of you.

  "I want it." She didn't lie even if she didn't plan to fulfill the unspoken promise those words made. Rachel knew some part of her would always regret what came next, but survival outweighed regret.

  "You're not going to run off now, are you?"

  Rachel tilted her head to meet Killian's gaze. She smiled at him, hoping that she didn't give any of her true intentions away. "I wouldn't want to miss out on my personal exposé, would I?"

  "I don't know about this," Adam muttered, drawing her eyes to him.

  "Don't you want me?"

  That question, asked in her little girl lost voice, stilled him. She could see the answer so clearly in his eyes. He wanted her, but there was something else there. Something she didn't understand, an intensity that worried her.

  His head bent, his lips whispered across hers. The kiss was so quick, no more than a slight brush of lips, but so intense it held Rachel captive. So did the intensity in his eyes as his head lifted.

  "I'll take the cuffs off."

  Chapter 5

  "I knew she was going to do that."

  Adam watched the tail lights disappear into the night even as the high-pitched rev of Rachel's engine faded. A part of him couldn't believe he was just standing there watching her escape. A very primal instinct demanded action, demanded that he hunt, capture, bind her to him. He couldn't explain it. Sure she'd tasted good, felt even better, but Rachel Allen did not fall into the category of the women he normally chased after…well, who normally chased after him.

  Truth be told, Adam didn't go in for the chase. He never had reason to before. There had always been so many options available to him that whoever decided to take their interest elsewhere had been fine with him.

  Rachel might not have the spectacular looks the women at the club had, but she had soft, rounded curves that had rubbed him in all the right places. She'd made him hard and hungry in a way he had never been before. He wasn't thinking, though, about his own pleasure, but wanted to know what hers looked like, felt like. He wanted to make Rachel writhe beneath him, begging and pleading him for her release. He'd give it to her. That and all ten inches of his hard dick which begged right now to go skinny dipping in Rachel's little cunt.

  Down boy. You'll get what you want. We both will.

  "You were the one who said to put her in the driver's seat." Adam couldn't help but take a shot at Killian. Part of him thought this was all Killian's fault. He'd pushed and just as Adam had suspected, Rachel had fled.

  "I just wanted to see if she'd actually do it." Killian shrugged before turning his back on Adam and starting the long trek back to his truck.

  "Do it?" Adam jogged up to his side. "She did it. Now what are we supposed to do?"

  "Go find her."

  That's exactly what Adam wanted to do, but he doubted it was the right course of action. Rachel could be something special, something that could be ruined by Killian's rough treatment. For all her spunk, it had been obvious to Adam that Rachel was use to dealing with a different type of man.

  A gentler, more traditional type of man. Her normal date was probably somebody who held open doors and kissed her politely on the cheek at the end of the first date. Killian had never been much for doors and chairs and Adam had never been one to end a first date with a platonic, little kiss. He could only imagine how Rachel would respond to the types of kisses he liked to give, particularly where he liked to give them.

  It would be great, phenomenal, but in the morning she would wake up and regret it all. Adam knew that. Rachel was the type of woman that had to be lured and seduced into the kind of kinky, dirty things they liked to do to a woman. With the right approach and a little time, Adam knew he could get what he wanted from Rachel, get it and hold it.

  With Killian in the mix, that might not be at all possible. Killian did not waste time and saw no reason for taking it slowly with a woman. Then again all Killian ever wanted from a woman was sex. Once he got that he was out the door, which explained why most decent women thought Killian was a pig.

  It had been almost comical to watch and listen as Killian actually tried to get a decent woman's attention. The sad part had been Killian's inability to understand why he kept getting rejected. Killian might have been smart in a lot of ways and certainly knew his way around a female orgasm, but that pretty much ended his knowledge of the other sex.

  It just never dawned on him that a woman might actually regret something she'd enjoyed doing. Hell, Adam didn't truly understand it either, but it didn't matter because he could accept it. He could accept that Rachel would be one of those women. The only way to avoid the morning after guilt would be have an actual relationship with her.

  She'd never take a one-night stand seriously. No more than he could actually hope to control Killian's response. The man was a like a pit bull and the prey had just run off. Dogs only had one response to something running from them, they chased it.

  That left Adam only two options. He could go with Killian and hope for a different ending then his cynical mind assured him would come, or he could risk losing at least having one night with Rachel and stand down.

  It doesn't matter if you go or not, she'll still blame you.

  Guilty by association, that's what she'd condemn him with if he just left her in Killian's none too gentle hands.

  "You coming?" Killian paused at the top of the ridge to look back at Adam.

  * * * *

  Rachel double checked all the doors and windows to make sure they were locked. Then she checked them again. She knew she was being silly, but she couldn't get over the feeling that she was being hunted.

  As if.

  Yeah, it had to be either supremely dumb or arrogant to think that either Killian or Adam would come chasing after her. They had a whole field full of better looking, more willing women to pick from.

  More willing?

  Well, at least easier. All those women were naked and primed by now. Any of them would be happy to accept either Killian or Adam as a lover. What woman wouldn't? What woman wouldn't be hurt, annoyed or jealous to have been the woman passed by?

  Rachel sighed at that thought. So she was jealous at the idea of Killian and Adam with those women. So it made her want to pull out the little sluts' hair extensions and pop their over-inflated boobs. So what? She'd been the dumbass who had run away.

  She'd been regretting that decision ever since the high of actually escaping had worn off,
all five minutes after she'd swerved back onto the road and hit the gas. It had occurred to her in that moment that she might have been too rash. Killian had a point, a good investigative journalist should be willing to live their story.

  Earth to Rachel. A journalist might follow a hooker around, but she didn't sleep with the johns.

  Valid point. She wasn't being rational. She was being horny. The best cure for her hormones would be to focus her attention on something else. Something like the story she intended to write about the Cattleman's Club. Even if at the end of the day she didn't actually go through with publishing it, she needed to write it, needed to know she had. Who knew, she might, just might, decide to go ahead and sell the story. It would be worth a pretty penny. Worth a whole town, in fact.

  Just write the damn thing down first, worry about the ethics of the whole thing later.

  Thirty minutes later, Rachel finally managed to drag her eyes from the pictures. Too late she realized that she had made a gross error of judgment. Focusing on work hadn't helped cool her desires. It had only inflamed it.

  Unable to organize her thoughts to start writing at the outset, Rachel had decided to refresh her memory and look for direction by flipping through the pictures. Truth be told, she hadn't thought it to be the best idea, but hadn't been able to stop herself. When she'd taken the pictures she hadn't been thinking about anything more than capturing the image of depravity that would shock not only Pittsview, but the whole country. Her ambition had blinded her to actually feeling any response to the erotic acts playing out before her very eyes.

  That, though, had been before she found herself pinned between two of the most delicious men she'd ever met. They'd turned on her switch and she'd revved her engine even higher. She'd stared at the pictures until her eyes went dry and tight with the need to blink. The images had mutated and shifted until her mind saw herself in them. Her with Killian and Adam. Damn, but the need to touch herself, to find some release, couldn't be denied anymore.

  She didn't have a man, but she had the need. That left only one option available.

  It took her ten minutes to set everything up, but then she sank into the heated bubbles and smiled. Nothing like a few scented candles, a glass of wine and a warm bubble bath to set the scene for a little fantasy. Just what would she do if Killian and Adam were here?

  The bathtub isn't big enough for both of them. One of them will just have to watch.

  That idea gave her a thrill. Somehow the idea of being watched, of having one of their heated gazes trained on her every action, her every reaction, made her feel so dirty and so damn hot it amazed her that the bubbles didn't boil away.


  He'd be the one to watch, to watch and suffer because surely a man of action would feel punished when left to do nothing more than observe. It would be difficult for him. He'd have to battle every instinct, ever urge to come forth and force his participation. That struggle would become a physical restraint that had his muscles flexing and bulging. Even as he fought for control, it would only feed his aggression, sharpening his need and making those brilliant eyes sparkle with the promise of revenge.

  What sweet revenge it would be.

  She'd earn it. Making sure Adam went slow, starting with only his hands on her body, she'd drag out the moment, teasing Killian with every sensuous second even as she prolonged her own agony. Agony would be just what it was to endure Adam's big, callused hands massaging their way down her shoulders.

  He'd be behind her, cushioning her with that hard body even as he kept her captured and displayed. She wouldn't care. She'd be putty in his hands, literally. With those warm palms pressing into her muscles, working out every kink and knot as they explored the contours of her back and the graceful crease of her spine.

  Their steady progression wouldn't pause until he reached the sensitive skin of her lower back. A few fingers would splay out to tease the crease that divided her ass cheeks, a dark hint at things to come later. The very promise had her shivering with fear and excitement.

  It would come, she knew it, but first would come the pleasure, the body numbing, mind shattering pleasure. She'd be so drenched in it that by the time it came to that, she'd be so drunk on ecstasy she'd be incapable of feeling any pain.

  It wouldn't be a long road, not with Adam's hands warming up her body. They were sliding around her waist now, tickling her sides with their gentle touch and making her squirm enough to draw his notice back there. Big and callused, his hands lingered there, letting his thumbs twirl out ripples of pure electricity. Rachel's breath caught, her body stilling and tensing with anticipation. His touch was so soft, nothing more than a sensual promise of the pleasure to come.

  Rachel's eyes, already at half mast, drifted the rest of the way closed. It felt so good to luxuriate in the glow of things to come. The anticipation built in her, weighing her down until her body relaxed and melted into the moment.

  Only then did his hands shift, encircling her stomach. He liked it, soft and smooth, the roundness bespoke of a healthy body, one with curves to cushion all his hardness. Again his thumbs went exploring, traveling the bottom slope of her breasts even as the rest of his fingers followed along.

  In one smooth, sensual motion Adam's hands glided up to fully cup her aching globes. His thumbs stretched out to pin her tender nipples beneath them. Slowly gaining speed, he used the rough, callused pad to roll them tighter and tighter, sending out electric ripples that had her back arching as she lifted her breast up into his touch.

  More, she wanted more. Her body hummed with the need for it, slowly taking to motion as her hips rolled and flexed in a timeless rhythm of female in heat. She became more and more aware of her pussy, of how empty it was, how desperate to be filled. It begged for attention and she pleaded softly, whimpering out her need.

  It fed Killian's dark desires and she could see him tensing, clamping down the need to respond to her siren's call. He was vulnerable to it, vulnerable to a woman's desire for her master's attention. He'd give her everything she begged for, give it to her hard and fast, but it was Adam who held her. Adam who tormented her.

  Adam would not be rushed or pressured by begging. Instead of testing his strength, her sensual demands only fed his restraint. He wanted her to beg, to beg him for her pleasure, to know he was the only one who could give it to her and only when he decided.

  Adam was all about the tease. Even as one hand dipped low to slide over her stomach and into the damp curls covering her mound, Rachel knew release was a far distance off. He intended to torment her in the worst possible way and she welcomed it. Lifting one leg right up over the edge of the tub, she let the other fall wide and opened herself up completely to his touch.

  The vulnerability of the moment fueled her desires, making her rage with such lust that she moaned in welcome at the first soft glide of fingers over her fold. She couldn't bear his controlled restraint. Instead, gluttonous need ruled and she covered his hand with her own, forcing his fingers to find the sensitive little bud no longer hidden in her folds. Swollen and alight with pleasure, her clit blossomed under her touch.

  With a sigh of contentment, Rachel relaxed back into the tub, letting the warm water and the slow swirl of her finger over her clit melt her body. Toying with her the ultra sensitive bud, she twirled it over and over again, going faster and faster until she could feel her sheath sucking in great gulps of water in a desperate cry to be filled.

  One quick thrust of fingers, one tempting taste of pressure and her whole body quivered on the edge of oblivion. Just as she started to feel every nerve ending coming alive in celebration, Rachel backed off and let her hand fall down into the crease between her thighs. For several heart pounding seconds her body quivered on the edge of release before it tumbled back into a fit of disappointment and urgent demands.

  This had to be the best part. Well, maybe not the best, but she couldn't bring herself to go there. Not just yet. If she did then it would be over. She'd be left tired and slee
py. That would be a great moment, but Rachel often preferred to prolong it and her pleasure.

  Gluttonous, Rachel enjoyed drawing out her releases, bringing herself to the edge of climax several times before she finally gave in to temptation. It was rare that she got to enjoy a climax and so she savored them with greedy delight.

  Tonight, though, was even more special because she finally had a face and a name to put to her mystery lover. Normally she fantasized about some generic hunk, undefined in feature, but fully known to her heart. Not this time. This time she had a very specific image of who she wanted and it wasn't just one man.

  That made this occasion special, kinkier and hotter. It felt like it deserved more than just the normal bathtub routine. Rachel's mind went to the small box she had hidden in her closet. Maybe not so much as hidden, but ignored. When Hailey had given her the very skimpy set of lingerie it had been more of a joke than for practical use. A good thing because Rachel had never once had an occasion to put the outrageous garments to use.

  They were the type of thing the women at the Cattleman's Club wore. The type of thing a woman wore for men like Killian and Adam. Rachel had never known such a type so personally before. Even if it was just in her fantasies, she wanted to wear them for her dream lovers. The mere idea of Killian and Adam tempted her to explore her own darker, more kinky desires.

  Panties like that require things to be shaved that have never been shaved in that way.

  It would itch coming back in. She'd regret doing it in the morning. Just knowing what she had done would embarrass her and make her feel more sexy and wanton. It would be a silent, private reminder to her that she wasn't such a good girl. She could have a wild side, too.

  Chapter 6

  Thirty minutes later, freshly shaved, lotioned and wearing the ridiculous outfit Hailey had given her, Rachel stepped in front of the old, rounded full length mirror she'd salvaged from a yard sale. Her hands twitched at the belt of her robe, uncertain of whether to unleash the terry knot or pull the strings tighter.