Tasty Treats Anthology: Volume One Page 3
"It's time to stop lying, Rachel. You need to confront your sickness."
"You're the sick one! Follow you, please." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Like I could get through the gates up there at the front of the club, much less know you were one of the jackasses working surveillance on that little kingdom of kink.
"No. You're the one who is sick. Obviously you belong to that stupid club. What's wrong, Killian? Can you only get it up by pretending that those women really think of you as their master? Don't you know all you are is a dick to them?
"You're the pathetic and sick one to need to indulge in some fantasy that you are a sexual messiah that's come to grant orgasms on women with your masterful cock. I bet most of those women fake it with you just so you'll stop and leave them the hell alone because you're not a real man. Real men don't need to play perverted little games to jack up their egos enough to screw!"
Rachel let that last one fly before she paused long enough to suck in a breath. With that lone lung full of air a little bit of reality seeped into her focus. Killian didn't look mad. Strangely, he appeared to be just the opposite. He appeared to be amused, even sounded it when he spoke.
"You are so going to eat those words."
Yeah, probably.
Why the hell did that excite her? Why did any of this? As annoyed and irritated as she felt, she could also feel the low hum of energy fueling her emotions. It snapped and sparked, driving her to be reckless in a time when caution would have been more appropriate.
Killian smirked at his friend. "I think we have a feminist on our hands."
"You know what that means."
"She ain't ever had a good fucking."
Rachel had never been so insulted in her life. No man, not even the sleazy drunk who hung outside the gas station, had talked to her in such a way. Every prim, uptight molecule of her being roared with the need for revenge over such treatment. Without thought her hand reared back and went swinging for the arrogant ass's face only to come up short when her wrist got caught by something hard and painfully tight.
She didn't have time to process what had just happened when things just kept on happening. The world spun, the rough surface of dirt and pebbles bit into her cheek, both her arms were wrenched behind her back, but the clear sensation of metal bands snapping around her wrists brought it all into focus.
"Uncuff me, you deviant little turds!" Rachel shrieked, fighting the unbreakable bonds of the handcuffs.
She twisted her wrists, pulled at her arms, did everything she could to free herself, but only ended up rolling onto her back in a heaving, panting tantrum. Neither man stopped her as she railed at them and everything in the world as she went on a long overdue tirade.
When the reality of just how screwed she was settled in on her, the oppressive weight stilled her motions and left her glaring at the sky. The stars were beautiful, thousands, millions of them giggling back down at her. At the edges of the musky smell of dirt she could detect the spicy tang of burning logs. She could almost believe in the peace and quiet of the night.
Almost, but then Killian ruined the fantasy she tried to create, with his too handsome mug.
"That would be assaulting an officer."
He doesn't have to sound so damn cheery about that fact.
Killian had taken to the safety of his feet when she'd gone into wildcat mode. Now he brazened the possibility of serious injury to lean down and latch on to her arm. With a careless jerk that spoke as testament to his greater strength, he yanked her right onto her feet.
Just because he was so damn arrogant, Rachel couldn't help but yank back on her arm. Not that she wanted to end up on her ass, but she knew she wouldn't. She couldn't break his hold. She could make a statement.
"It looks like that broken ankle had a miraculous recovery." That wise observation came from Adam, a smug son-of-a-bitch if ever there had been one.
So I'm caught. I did it. I trespassed, took pictures of some kinky party with most of the male citizens of Pittsview in attendance. I still have the power. Pictures or not, they can't make me un-know what I already know. That leaves a lot of room for negotiations.
"Will you look at that? The ankle held."
"Amazing, isn't it?"
Rachel returned Adam's dry tone right along with matching obnoxiousness. She managed to keep her features just as tight, just as straight as his. They tried to stare each other down for long seconds before Killian finally interrupted. Adam shifted his attention a second before hers, just enough for her eyes to catch the slight twitch of his lips.
What the hell was that?
It had been a smile. No doubt about it. Adam was actually enjoying this.
Ah, hell. So am I.
"Ready to admit to what you are doing out here, Rachel?"
She blinked at him for a moment, trying to clear out the thoughts of Adam and focus back on Killian. "No."
"Damn." Adam snickered. "That's the shortest answer we've gotten all night."
"The most honest, too."
It really began to irritate her the way they talked. She didn't get a chance to blast one arrogant ass before the other cut her off.
"You think she's finally starting to worry?"
"Worry?" Now that she would respond to even if she had to shout out Adam's partner in crime. "Ha! I'm worried about nothing. What should I be worried about? I didn't do anything wrong. You're the supposed protector of the citizens who apparently in his free time likes to scare and bully women. I tell you who should be worried—"
"You," Killian stated.
"Yes. You!"
"So you are not worried?"
She would have crossed her arms over her chest if she could have. Instead Rachel had to settle for lifting her chin in defiance at Killian. "No. Why would I be?"
"Because you are cuffed and charged with assaulting an officer of the law?"
"I didn't assault you, you big baby."
"You were going to smack me."
"You deserve a good smack."
"And you deserve a good spanking, but you don't see me bending you over."
Uh-oh. Images!
Rachel tried not to focus on them, but everywhere her mind turned it saw the same reflection. Her, naked, trapped between these two men. Their callused hands felt rough against her body, rough and controlling. Killian held her tight with his hold on her waist while Adam forced her head downward with a firm grip in her hair. They bent her over, Adam bringing her lips to brush against the hard denim covering his bulging erection. With dark intent, Killian's hands smoothed over her ass in a gentle imitation of what was about to come. The soft hiss of a zipper being lowered had her tensing as…
"Not yet."
He couldn't know.
"You are going to be punished, Rachel. Have no doubt of that, but first we're going to reveal all your sins."
Punished? Oh, no, he didn't.
"Excuse me? Do I look like an eight year old child to you? Let me tell you something, buddy, I ain't no little kid for you deliver a spanking to. Nor am I some cheap ass flossy who bends over for the right price. Don't even look at me like that. You don't think I don't know what you're doing out here?
"Oh, I know what you're up to. You're one of those sick bastards that has to prove his manhood by paying some woman to play puppet to all his little commands. Let me tell you something, I ain't no puppet and you best watch your ass before it gets chewed by these fangs, baby."
"You know, you are awfully mouthy," Killian commented, apparently unimpressed by her passionate tirade.
"Yet another sign she is in need of a good fucking."
Rachel twirled on Adam. "Would you shut up about that?"
"So much negativity and tension." He circled a palm in her direction. "I really think if you just got laid you'd be a much happier, and nicer, person."
"I am a happy person," Rachel growled.
"Of course, with that disposition I imagine you frighten off most volunteers. I could—"
"Don't say it."r />
"Why not? You've already thought about it."
"Not once."
"You really are a bad liar." Adam's grin took a wicked turn and Rachel instinctively shifted away from the predatory intent she could feel tensing his muscles. "I could prove it to you."
Don't provoke the lion.
"Only if you are prepared to suffer a humiliating defeat."
Ah shit.
He came at her then, taking the step that closed the distance between them. She went back, desperate to regain her private space. Instead of freedom she found herself trapped with Killian at her back and Adam pushing in from the front.
They surrounded her with strength and warmth, a siren's call of security and comfort. It felt so good to be imprisoned in a cage of heated, male muscles. Like a symphony, the air filled with layers of scents, male musk, soap, earth, with subtle after tones of cinnamon and mint.
She melted beneath the liquid heat of the hot, humid night. Her muscles drugged into relaxing as the scent of lust thickened around her. Naturally her body shifted, molding into the hard press of male ridges.
It felt amazing to be pressed between them, molded into them. Almost as good as the lips on her neck. A firm, warm caress, it flirted across her skin in sweet, almost ticklish kisses until it rested against the very beat of her pulse. He toyed with the wild beat. Nibbling on the taut stretch of skin, licking, sucking, the provocative kiss revved her heart into a pounding race
"The taste of victory is so very sweet."
Chapter 4
Murmured like a lover, Adam's words floated through her empty mind. They echoed over each other, building layer over layer until the intent overwhelmed the delivery. Part of her very desperately wanted to forget, to go back to losing herself in the moment with these two men.
She couldn't. Couldn't let go of the meaning behind Adam's words. All of this was just a game to him. A game with her dignity and self-respect as the prize. If she let this happen, she'd be no better than those women back at the party.
Worse, she'd be nothing more than one of those women to these men. Just another plaything to amuse themselves with. She wouldn't be that. The mere idea rankled. They wouldn't play her. She'd play them. And she knew just how to do it.
Bending her arms, she brought her hands up enough to cup the large bulge of Killian's cock that had been pressing into the small of her back. The position forced her to arch away from him and she discovered another hard dick pressing into her stomach. Perfect, she'd really enjoy taking both men down.
Though she'd never done something so bold or forward as to make a move on a man, Rachel threw herself full force into the role of the seductress. She molded her fingers around Killian's hard length and squeezed. Instantly he stiffened behind her. She felt his muscles tighten all around her and when she added a sliding motion to her secure grip, he actually trembled.
With a muttered curse that she took as a victory he arched his hips and moved in rhythm with her stroking hands. The motion emboldened her, giving her the confidence to roll her hips and let her stomach begin to move over the solid width of Adam's erection.
Adam responded just as Killian had. He tensed, his hips flexed and then with a growled obscenity his hands locked on her waist and jerked her up. A thick thigh parted her legs and she found herself suddenly straddling Adam's hard muscled thigh.
She could feel herself fading, getting lost to the power of the moment and sheer, manic fear shafted through her. She was about to lose control. As much as her body clamored forward into the storm, her mind revolted. It simply couldn't let go.
Rachel jerked back from the kiss letting her fear carry her through the motion. She gasped for breath, for some relief to the lust drugging her senses. She couldn't lose it now. If she did, then all her options would disappear right along with her control. Then what would happen?
Looking up through her lashes, she met Adam's intense gaze. "I want you."
The truth, so easy to give, made Adam's features relax slightly. "You can have anything you want."
That promise, murmured between the little butterfly kisses he rained down her jaw and over the ridge to her neck, had her eyes fluttering closed again. She tried, really tried, to amass her resistance and keep her mind on her goal.
"Not here." It came out jagged. The words cut roughly from her panting breaths. "I want a bed."
"Something soft, comfortable, where we can spend hours enjoying that sweet little body," Killian whispered against the curve of her ear.
Her heart jumped at the idea even as her mind rebelled. Hours of being trapped between these men, being totally at their mercy, letting them use her in way they wanted…she'd get lost. When they were done, they would return to their normal lives, and she'd end up a piece of broken wreckage in their wake.
"We could take you home, strip you bare and feast on your naked flesh." Alex murmured into the curve of her neck before scraping his teeth over her sensitive skin. She started slightly at the minor assault, but his words lured her, seduced her in ways that she had no defenses against.
"Would you like that?"
"Yes." Rachel breathed out the word with no thought left to the consequences. If they were beside a bed now there would be no more hesitation.
"First, you need to tell us what you were doing out here."
Alex's words, no matter how softly whispered, brought back the grim reality of her situation better than anything could.
Now who is being played?
She'd underestimated them, just as they had underestimated her. Perhaps though, it was time to do away with the pretenses, to reveal the truth that they were not the only people with power in this situation. Rachel smiled at thought. She knew what these men would do with their power, knew just how perfect of a side dish it would make to the banquet she would soon lay out on the front covers of the newspaper.
She opened her eyes and met Alex's dark gaze head on. "You already know the answer to that, don't you?"
"Say it."
"I'm out here investigating the rumors that the Cattleman's Club is more than just a place where men go to gamble and drink whiskey."
Alex smiled, his eyes glancing to Killian even as Killian breathed dark, forbidden thoughts into her ear. "Did you enjoy seeing just what we do in our free time, Rachel? Did you get all hot and wet as you watched all those women being used, punished and pleasured? Did you imagine yourself as one of them? Wish that you were?"
She wanted to say no because it had been the truth when she'd been peeking through the leaves. She hadn't wanted to be those women, because she hadn't wanted any of those men. These men though, she wanted them, and her mind had already flashed images of what it would be like to play slave to their masters.
"You broke the law, Rachel." Adam didn't sound too distressed over that. "By rights we should take you down to the station and process you."
They wouldn't.
"Of course," Adam's hand boldly came up to palm her breast. Teasingly, he rolled and pinched her nipple. Involuntarily, she groaned and arched into his touch. "We could see to your punishment ourselves."
Oh, crap. Oh, crap. He's suggesting…
Her pussy blossomed to life, flooding with the thick, rich cream of desire. Arousal blossomed through her body as her mind readily accepted his terms, began to yearn for them. She wanted to be that woman in the picture, naked, vulnerable, flushed and moaning with her desire. Trapped between two hard, unforgiving male bodies. Trapped between Adam and Killian while they unleashed their dirty imagination on her body.
"What do you say, Rachel? You want a firsthand experience at your story?" Killian teased.
"Don't you know that's how all the great journalist work? They go to war with the soldiers, undercover into gang land, as inmates into the prisons."
As lovers into bed with the perverts.
No. No! What the hell had she just said?
Rachel couldn't believe her own ears. She'd heard wh
at she heard, her voice, soft and breathless, whispering out her acceptance to a fantasy she just couldn't indulge in. She couldn't do this. She could barely have sex with one man.
Truth of the matter, she'd only ever had sex with one man. The same man for seven years. It might have started out with some excitement, but it had quickly grown into monotony. The same man, the same positions, the same formula—kiss, lick, suck, fuck. Even in those comfortable confines she'd always been nervous. Nervous about her body, about her performance, about the positions, about every damn detail, that she'd never actually had the room to orgasm.
How embarrassing would it be to have to go through that with two men as witnesses?
She couldn't do it. She'd agreed to it though, and that had seemed to back down Adam's and Killian's aggression. Now she just needed to go more in that direction, soon they would give her the little bit of freedom to escape. All she had to do was hold onto her sanity long enough.
And play a very dangerous game with two men totally out of my league.
Rachel took a deep breath and then the plunge. "I accept the terms of your condition."
"I just want to make sure I got this right. You agree to spend the whole night allowing Adam and I to punish you in any way we see fit, up to and including sex."
"In exchange for all charges being dropped."
Rachel could just imagine what kind of headlines that story would get her. Cops willing to exchange sexual favors for the law. If only she had the balls to write it. Rachel didn't know about that. Even if she did manage to escape tonight, launching an attack like that on Killian and Adam would no doubt earn her a response she would have no capability of controlling.
"What do you think, Killian?" Rachel could hear the sudden uncertainty in Adam's voice. At least one of them had some sense.
"I think we're going to have to take her to our place."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure all the cabins at the club will be filled by now, but we have enough stuff at home to keep the night interesting."
"I didn't mean that, I meant this whole insane idea."
"You don't think it's insane, do you Rachel?"